The owner of the hotel (houses “Martha” and “Maria”) at Nieritzstraße 11 and sole shareholder of Hotel Martha Dresden GmbH is the Marthahospiz Dresden e.V. association, which traditionally also maintains its office there.
The association is the legal successor to the Marthaheim cooperative, which was founded in 1899 and entered in the Royal Saxon Cooperative Register.
At that time, the corner house on Nieritzstrasse/Theresienstrasse served as a simple hostel for unmarried young women from the countryside, most of whom arrived at Schlesischer Bahnhof, which later became Neustädter Bahnhof. Most of these women traveled to Dresden in the hope of finding work here. At the Marthaheim, they found cheap board and lodging, but at the same time protection in the big city, which they were unaccustomed to.

The house later became a ladies’ home before the Sophienschule, a boarding school for educated young girls, moved in in 1921.
After the Second World War, several Christian institutions maintained their offices here. A maternity advice center was also set up in the former “Christliches Hopiz Marthaheim”. In 1983, the building was converted into a hotel, which opened on January 7, 1991.
Even though today, more than a century after it was founded, the appearance of the hotel has changed considerably, it has always remained true to its basic idea of providing accommodation that is particularly attentive to its guests.
The fact that the Christian idea of the house has been preserved over the years is illustrated not only by the fact that the house is still run by the church and diaconia, but also by the claim to combine the accommodation of guests with a good cause. Every guest who stays at the hotel gives a portion of their accommodation price to people in need (can “do good in their sleep”, so to speak). This is because at the end of each financial year, the sponsoring association makes substantial donations to church and diaconal institutions in accordance with its statutes.
Incidentally, the name of the house is taken from a story in the New Testament (see Luke 10:38-42; John 11:5 and John 12:2):
Jesus visited the two sisters Martha and Mary in their home. Martha proved to be the active and hands-on hostess, while Mary sat with Jesus, listened to him and talked to him. So it came about that in 1995 – when the neighboring house was added to the mother house “Martha” – it was given the name “Maria”. “Hospitality with heart” remains the guiding principle of the management of the house. The hotel team aims to be both “Martha and Maria” for its guests during their stay in Dresden.
The members of the Executive Board work for the association on a part-time and voluntary basis:
Chairman of the Management Board | Oberkirchenrat Timo Haase, Jurist, Ev.-Luth. Landeskirche Sachsens |
Deputy Chairman | Kai Kroker, Referent, Diakonisches Werk der Ev.-Luth. Landeskirche Sachsens |
other members | Dr. Gerhard Nieke Oberlandeskirchenrätin Kathrin Schaefer, Juristin, Ev.-Luth. Landeskirche Sachsens Pfarrerin Leen Fritz, Ev.-Luth. Kirchspiel Dresden-Neustadt Oberlandeskirchenrat Dr. Thilo Daniel, Ev.- Luth. Landeskirche Sachsens |
Office of the association | Hotel Martha Dresden Nieritzstraße 11 01097 DresdenAnsprechpartnerin: Grit Peschka Phone: 0351 – 81760 E-Mail: |